Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Personal Information

Hi! I just want you to answer the following questions to know a little bit about you!

  1. What is your full name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. When is your birthday?
  4. Where do you live?
  5. Where are you from?
  6. Where are your parents from?
  7. Describe your family...
  8. What do you like to do?
  9. What kind of music do you like?
  10. What do you like to read?
  11. What about pets? Do you have any?
  12. Describe yourself...
  13. Why did you decide to do this degree?
  14. Do you join social networks? (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace)...
  15. What do you think about this kind of work? (virtual tools for practicing English language).

1 comentario:

  1. Well, hi my name is tatiana bustamante prada, i'm 19 years old, i was born on octuber 5 , i'm from ibague right now here in bogota, i live in the 7 de agosto, my parents and my family the most of them are from ibague, my family is very big, and we are very diferents about the things that we think and like,i love study, hear music, watch movies and read, i love the metal, rock and reggae music and read novels.
    i love the animals specially the cats, i have one his name is zeus, is a siammes and is beautiful and kiut, right now not is with me, is with my mother, but i hope that chang that soon, i'm very happy and simple i love smile.
    well i love this degree and i want to be a teacher, i love be in the chat and facebook, because i can find great people.
    i think that this king of work is very good, because we can practice and meet people too.
    thanks and peace and love.
